Friday, July 8, 2022

Pause breathe Smile reflection

This term the children have been taking part in the Pause Breathe Smile programme. They have been learning how to practise mindfulness and how we can use it in our everyday lives.

Some areas that we explored were:

Understanding why we practise mindfulness and how we can use it in our lives. 

Happiness Here and Now-practising gratitude.

Noticing emotions and how they can change. Exploring how mindfulness helps us to let them change.

Dropping anchor with mindful breathing and calming unsettled thoughts.

Kindness makes us healthier and happier. 

Here is what the children found helpful or interesting from the mindfulness lessons and what they enjoyed:

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Wheels and Water Day

 We had so much fun celebrating the end of the year with our wheels and water day. Check out the photos below!